In this simple project we will create a simple morse code flasher, you will use the serial monitor to type in a message and this will then be flashed in morse code on an LED. If you wish to learn more about morse code I would advise you to visit wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code , this will show you all you need to know.
You will need the following parts
An Chipkit Uno
An LED and 330 ohm resistor
The LED is connected to D7 in this example
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
const int ledPin = 7; // constants for tone and rest durations const int dotlength = 100; const int dashlength = dotlength * 3; const int inter = dotlength; const int lgap = dotlength * 2; // inter-letter gap const int wgap = dotlength * 4; //inter-word gap void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { char thischar; if (Serial.available()) { // read a single character thischar = Serial.read(); if (thischar>='a' && thischar<='z') { // convert to upper case thischar = thischar -32; } // swap for a space if not in A-Z if(thischar<65 || thischar>90) { thischar=' '; } ConvertToMorse(thischar); delay(lgap); } } void dot() { // play a dot digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delay(dotlength); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); delay(inter); } void dash() { // play a dash digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delay(dashlength); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); delay(inter); } void ConvertToMorse(char letter) { // letters are in order of frequency switch(letter) { case 'E': dot(); return; case 'T': dash(); return; case 'A': dot(); dash(); return; case 'O': dash(); dash(); dash(); return; case 'I': dot(); dot(); return; case 'N': dash(); dot(); return; case 'S': dot(); dot(); dot(); return; case 'H': dot(); dot(); dot(); dot(); return; case 'R': dot(); dash(); dot(); return; case 'D': dash(); dot(); dot(); return; case 'L': dot(); dash(); dot(); dot(); return; case 'C': dash(); dot(); dash(); dot(); return; case 'U': dot(); dot(); dash(); return; case 'M': dash(); dash(); return; case 'W': dot(); dash(); dash(); return; case 'F': dot(); dot(); dash(); dot(); return; case 'G': dash(); dash(); dot(); return; case 'Y': dash(); dot(); dash(); dash(); return; case 'P': dot(); dash(); dash(); dot(); return; case 'B': dash(); dot(); dot(); dot(); return; case 'V': dot(); dot(); dot(); dash(); return; case 'K': dash(); dot(); dash(); return; case 'J': dot(); dash(); dash(); dash(); return; case 'X': dash(); dot(); dot(); dash(); return; case 'Q': dash(); dash(); dot(); dash(); return; case 'Z': dash(); dash(); dot(); dot(); return; case ' ': delay(wgap); return; } }