Home Code Flashing LED example for a PIC18F4520

Flashing LED example for a PIC18F4520

by shedboy71

This is a simple ‘Hello world’ type example. This was to test out a PIc18F4520 development board that I purchased, the board comes with 8 LED’s connected to PORT B. Here is the kit I purchased
AliExpress.com Product – PIC18F4520-I/P PIC18F4520 PIC 8-bit RISC Development Evaluation Board +14 Accessory Modules = Open18F4520 Package B

So lets flash them on and off individually

The compiler I used was the mikroC PRO in this example, there is a nice free but limited downlopad available. It has a nice IDE and is easy to get started with, I created my hex file and uploaded this using a PicKIt3. More on the setup will come at a later date



[codesyntax lang=”c”]

void main()

TRISB = 0; // set direction to be output

LATB = 0x00; // Turn OFF LEDs on PORTB

LATB = 0xFF; // Turn ON LEDs on PORTB
while(1); // Endless loop






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