More Chipkit 32 and Multi function shield examples following on from – Chipkit Max32 and Multifunction shield example
Code Example
Pot and led
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const byte LED[] = {13,12,11,10}; #define Pot1 0 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // initialize the digital pin as an output. /* Set each pin to outputs */ pinMode(LED[0], OUTPUT); pinMode(LED[1], OUTPUT); pinMode(LED[2], OUTPUT); pinMode(LED[3], OUTPUT); } /* Main Program */ void loop() { int PotValue; //Serial.print("Potentiometer reading: "); PotValue = analogRead(Pot1); /* Wait 0.5 seconds before reading again */ if(PotValue < 400) { digitalWrite(LED[0], LOW); digitalWrite(LED[1], LOW); digitalWrite(LED[2], LOW); digitalWrite(LED[3], LOW); Serial.print("Potentiometer: "); Serial.println(PotValue); } else { digitalWrite(LED[0], HIGH); digitalWrite(LED[1], HIGH); digitalWrite(LED[2], HIGH); digitalWrite(LED[3], HIGH); Serial.print("Potentiometer: "); Serial.println(PotValue); } delay(500); }
segment display
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/* Define shift register pins used for seven segment display */ #define LATCH_DIO 4 #define CLK_DIO 7 #define DATA_DIO 8 /* Segment byte maps for numbers 0 to 9 */ const byte SEGMENT_MAP[] = {0xC0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xF8,0X80,0X90}; /* Byte maps to select digit 1 to 4 */ const byte SEGMENT_SELECT[] = {0xF1,0xF2,0xF4,0xF8}; void setup () { /* Set DIO pins to outputs */ pinMode(LATCH_DIO,OUTPUT); pinMode(CLK_DIO,OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA_DIO,OUTPUT); } /* Main program */ void loop() { /* Update the display with the current counter value */ WriteNumberToSegment(0 , 0); WriteNumberToSegment(1 , 1); WriteNumberToSegment(2 , 2); WriteNumberToSegment(3 , 3); } /* Write a decimal number between 0 and 9 to one of the 4 digits of the display */ void WriteNumberToSegment(byte Segment, byte Value) { digitalWrite(LATCH_DIO,LOW); shiftOut(DATA_DIO, CLK_DIO, MSBFIRST, SEGMENT_MAP[Value]); shiftOut(DATA_DIO, CLK_DIO, MSBFIRST, SEGMENT_SELECT[Segment] ); digitalWrite(LATCH_DIO,HIGH); }
Read pot and display value on display
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/* Define shift register pins used for seven segment display */ #define LATCH_DIO 4 #define CLK_DIO 7 #define DATA_DIO 8 #define Pot1 0 /* Segment byte maps for numbers 0 to 9 */ const byte SEGMENT_MAP[] = {0xC0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xF8,0X80,0X90}; /* Byte maps to select digit 1 to 4 */ const byte SEGMENT_SELECT[] = {0xF1,0xF2,0xF4,0xF8}; void setup () { Serial.begin(9600); /* Set DIO pins to outputs */ pinMode(LATCH_DIO,OUTPUT); pinMode(CLK_DIO,OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA_DIO,OUTPUT); } /* Main program */ void loop() { int PotValue; PotValue = analogRead(Pot1); Serial.print("Potentiometer: "); Serial.println(PotValue); /* Update the display with the current counter value */ WriteNumberToSegment(0 , PotValue / 1000); WriteNumberToSegment(1 , (PotValue / 100) % 10); WriteNumberToSegment(2 , (PotValue / 10) % 10); WriteNumberToSegment(3 , PotValue % 10); } /* Write a decimal number between 0 and 9 to one of the 4 digits of the display */ void WriteNumberToSegment(byte Segment, byte Value) { digitalWrite(LATCH_DIO,LOW); shiftOut(DATA_DIO, CLK_DIO, MSBFIRST, SEGMENT_MAP[Value]); shiftOut(DATA_DIO, CLK_DIO, MSBFIRST, SEGMENT_SELECT[Segment] ); digitalWrite(LATCH_DIO,HIGH); }