Home Tutorials Generating PWM Signals with PIC CCP Module Tutorial

Generating PWM Signals with PIC CCP Module Tutorial

by shedboy71

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique used to control analog devices using digital signals.

It is widely used for motor speed control, LED dimming, and communication applications.

Most PIC microcontrollers include CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM) modules that allow precise PWM signal generation with minimal CPU intervention.

Understanding PWM in PIC Microcontrollers

A PWM signal consists of:

  • Frequency: How often the signal repeats per second.
  • Duty Cycle: The percentage of time the signal is HIGH within one period.


Duty Cycle(%)=(Total Period/ON time)×100


  • If a 1 kHz PWM signal has a duty cycle of 50%, it means the signal is HIGH for 0.5ms and LOW for 0.5ms.

CCP Module Overview

The CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM) module in PIC microcontrollers supports PWM mode, where it generates a periodic pulse with adjustable duty cycle.

CCP Registers for PWM Mode

Register Purpose
CCP1CON Configures CCP module for PWM mode
CCPR1L Holds the 8 Most Significant Bits (MSBs) of the duty cycle
CCP1CON<5:4> Holds the 2 Least Significant Bits (LSBs) of the duty cycle
TMR2 Timer 2 provides the time base for PWM
PR2 Defines the PWM period
T2CON Configures Timer 2 (prescaler and enable bit)

PWM Frequency Calculation

The PWM frequency is determined by the PR2 register and the Timer 2 prescaler.

PWM Period=(PR2+1)×4×Tosc×Prescaler

PWM Frequency = 1/PWM Period


  • Tosc=1FoscT_{osc} = \frac{1}{F_{osc}} (Clock cycle time)
  • FoscF_{osc} is the oscillator frequency
  • PR2 is an 8-bit register (0 to 255)
  • Prescaler can be 1, 4, or 16

Example Calculation


  • Fosc=8MHzF_{osc} = 8MHz
  • PR2 = 124
  • Timer2 Prescaler = 16

PWM Period = (124+1)×4 × 1/8MHz ×16

PWM Frequency = 1/(125 × 4 × 1/8MHz× 16)

PWM Frequency = 1kHz

Setting PWM Duty Cycle

The PWM duty cycle is controlled using CCPR1L and CCP1CON<5:4> bits.

Duty Cycle (10-bit)=(CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>)×Tosc×4\text{Duty Cycle (10-bit)} = \left( CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4> \right) \times T_{osc} \times 4

  • CCPR1L holds the upper 8 bits.
  • CCP1CON<5:4> holds the lower 2 bits.


For 50% duty cycle on a 1 kHz PWM:

Duty Cycle (10-bit)=125×42=250\text{Duty Cycle (10-bit)} = \frac{125 \times 4}{2} = 250

  • CCPR1L = 0x3E (62 in decimal)
  • CCP1CON<5:4> = 0b10

Implementing PWM on PIC Microcontroller

We will configure PWM using CCP1 module on a PIC16F877A to control LED brightness.

Hardware Requirements

  • We used a PIC16F877A microcontroller
  • 8 MHz external crystal
  • LED with resistor (330Ω)
  • Power supply (5V)


  • PWM output is on RC2 (CCP1 pin).
  • The LED is connected to RC2 with a 330Ω resistor.

PIC PWM Code Example

We used MPLAB X with the XC8 compiler for this example

#include <xc.h>

// Define Configuration Bits (For PIC16F877A)
#pragma config FOSC = XT // Oscillator Selection
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Disabled
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Disabled
#pragma config BOREN = ON // Brown-out Reset Enabled
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Low Voltage Programming Disabled

#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000  // Define clock frequency (8MHz)

void PWM_Init(unsigned int frequency);
void PWM_DutyCycle(unsigned int duty);

void main() {
    TRISC2 = 0;  // Set CCP1 (RC2) as output
    PWM_Init(1000);  // Initialize PWM with 1 kHz frequency

    while(1) {
        PWM_DutyCycle(512);  // Set 50% duty cycle (512 out of 1023)
        PWM_DutyCycle(256);  // Set 25% duty cycle (256 out of 1023)
        PWM_DutyCycle(768);  // Set 75% duty cycle (768 out of 1023)

// Function to Initialize PWM
void PWM_Init(unsigned int frequency) {
    unsigned int PR2_value;
    PR2_value = (_XTAL_FREQ / (frequency * 4 * 16)) - 1;
    PR2 = PR2_value;  // Set PR2 for the required PWM frequency
    CCP1CON = 0x0C;  // Configure CCP1 as PWM mode
    T2CON = 0x04;  // Enable Timer2 with Prescaler = 1
    // Start Timer2
    TMR2 = 0;
    TMR2ON = 1;

// Function to Set PWM Duty Cycle (0 to 1023)
void PWM_DutyCycle(unsigned int duty) {
    CCPR1L = duty >> 2;  // Upper 8 bits
    CCP1CONbits.DC1B = duty & 0x03;  // Lower 2 bits


  1. Initialize PWM (PWM_Init())
    • Configures CCP1 module in PWM mode.
    • Calculates PR2 value for the required PWM frequency.
    • Enables Timer2 with an appropriate prescaler.
  2. Set Duty Cycle (PWM_DutyCycle())
    • Converts 10-bit duty cycle value into 8-bit (CCPR1L) and 2-bit (CCP1CON<5:4>) values.
  3. Main Loop
    • Changes LED brightness by setting different duty cycles (25%, 50%, 75%).


Step Description
1. Configure CCP1 Set CCP1CON = 0x0C for PWM mode
2. Set Timer2 Configure T2CON for PWM timing
3. Calculate PR2 Use formula to determine PR2 for desired frequency
4. Set Duty Cycle Adjust CCPR1L and CCP1CON<5:4>
5. Enable PWM Start TMR2

Applications of PWM

  • Motor Speed Control
  • LED Brightness Control
  • Analog Signal Generation
  • Audio Signal Processing

This tutorial covers everything needed to generate PWM signals using PIC CCP module


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