In this article we look at the MMA7660 connected to a Chipkit MAx32
The MMA7660FC is a digital output I²C, very low-power, low-profile capacitive micro-machined accelerometer featuring a low pass filter, compensation for zero-g offset and gain errors and conversion to six-bit digital values at a user configurable output data rate. The device can be used for sensor data changes, product orientation and gesture detection through an interrupt pin (INT).
Communication is handled through a 2 pin I2C interface, available on a wide range of microcontrollers. The I2C address by default is 0x4c.
- Pinout for Arduino UNO
- VCC = 5v
- SDA = A4
- SCL = A5
I used this library –
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include <Wire.h> #include "MMA7660.h" MMA7660 acc; void setup() { acc.init(); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { static long cnt = 0; static long cntout = 0; float ax,ay,az; int8_t x, y, z; acc.getXYZ(&x,&y,&z); Serial.print("x = "); Serial.println(x); Serial.print("y = "); Serial.println(y); Serial.print("z = "); Serial.println(z); if(acc.getAcceleration(&ax,&ay,&az)) { Serial.print("get data ok: "); } else { Serial.print("tiem out: "); } Serial.println("accleration of X/Y/Z: "); Serial.print(ax); Serial.println(" g"); Serial.print(ay); Serial.println(" g"); Serial.print(az); Serial.println(" g"); Serial.println(); delay(50); }
Open the serial monitor
get data ok: accleration of X/Y/Z:
-0.19 g
-1.29 g
0.24 g
x = -31
y = -32
z = 18
get data ok: accleration of X/Y/Z:
-1.48 g
-1.52 g
0.86 g
x = -8
y = -25
z = 12
get data ok: accleration of X/Y/Z:
-0.38 g
-1.19 g
0.57 g
x = -2
y = -28
z = 18
1PCS NEW MMA7660 Replace MMA7260 3 Axis Triaxial accelerometer sensor module