PIC16F873 and a buzzer

In this example we will connect a buzzer to our pic and then play a basic tune, we will use mikroC and the Sound library that is available. Here is the schematic Schematic Code The code was written in mikroC,…

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PIC16F873 and LCD example

In this example we connect an LCD to our PIC16F873 microcontroller Schematic Code Mplab X using the XC8 compiler requires lcd.h lcd header file   [codesyntax lang=”c”] #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 #define RS RC0 #define EN RC1 #define D4 RC2 #define…

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PIC16F873 flashing LED example

This is the usual introduction to a different pic, this time we will start to show you some examples with the PIC16F873 microcontroller, you can find out more about this micro from Microchip but to summarise its a 28 pin sdip…

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PIC16F877 and an AD keypad

In this example we interface an AD keypad to our PIC16F877 and we also connect an LCD display. The LCD display is simply as a debug tool to display A/D readings, the nature of an AD keypad is that there…

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PIC16F877A development board

The requirements when I initially investigated a development board for doing some PIC training was I required a system that could cater for a variety of different PIC microcontrollers if possible and also had various peripherals on board that could…

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