In this article we look at the A look at a DsPIC30F4011 Development Board again. This time we will use the buttons on the development board and light the LEDs Lets look at the DsPic and the LED’s on the schematic. …
In this article we look at the A look at a DsPIC30F4011 Development Board and we will do a hello world type example where we simply flash the LEDs on the board Lets look at the dsPic and the LED’s on …
These are interesting modules that you can buy from various online sources. They comprise of 2 4×7 7 Segment displays, 8 push buttons and 8 LEDs. The chip that performs all the magic is a TM1638. The module I bought …
In this example we are using a PIC16F877 to generate a PWM signal, this particular chip has 2 Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals The following MikroC Pro for Pic functions will be used PWMx_Init Initializes the PWM module with duty ratio 0. Parameter …
The TMP35, TMP36, and TMP37 are low voltage, precision centigrade temperature sensors. They provide a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 do not require any external calibration to provide typical accuracies of ±1°C …
A force-sensing resistor is a material whose resistance changes when a force or pressure is applied. Force-sensing resistors consist of a conductive polymer, which changes resistance in a predictable manner following application of force to its surface.They are normally supplied …