This is a simple example which shows how to connect an LDR to a Chipkit UNO. In this example we are using Mpide and will be outputting the results via the serial monitor window A photoresistor or light-dependent resistor (LDR) …
RKPK28 Prototype PCB The next PIC development board is again from RKeducation and is designed for use with 28 pin PICs in this case I used a PIC 18f2685, another PIC microcontroller I didn’t have in my collection You can …
Where I normally like to create development boards for microcontrollers on stripboard, sometimes there are ready made boards or kits available that simplify things. We will look at several of these that I have purchased and I will highlight features …
In this example we connect a MAx7219 8×8 LED matrix to our PIC 16F819 development board Here is a picture of the module, these are very common and available from many sites The connections are as follows MAX7219 Pin Pic16F819 …
The USB Bit Whacker is a spectacular little development board featuring the PIC18F2553. Based on the work of Brian Schmalz, the UBW is a small board with a command interpreter for basic input and output control. When attached to a …
In a previous example we connected a 16×2 LCD to our development board and displayed text on it, in this example we use the 2 buttons on the board to display some text on the LCD There are 2 buttons …
In this example we connected an LCD to the LCD 1602 LCD connection on the Open18F4520 PIC evaluation development board from Waveshare. A simple example is to display some basic text on the LCD display. This is a picture of the …
In this example we keep the LCD shield connected to our Chipkit UNO and this time we will connect an LDR to A4, read the value in and display it on the LCD display I used an LDR breakout but …
In this example we connected an Arduino LCD shield to our Chipkit UNO and displayed some basic text. here is a typical example of this shield, its a low cost 16 x 2 LCD and is good for many projects, …
Whilst browsing some electronic sites looking at some of the development boards and kits that are available when I noticed the Chipkit UNO, this was advertised as being pin for pin compatible with arduino shields but used a Pic micro …